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Tulasi Plantation

Tulasi Plantation
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Tulasi Plantation 

Nature is the leading resource for living organisms. Our forests, rivers, oceans, and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we irrigate our crops with. We also rely on them for numerous other goods and services we depend on for our health, happiness, and prosperity. So we have to protect our nature around the world.

The air is one of the main elements of nature. Because without oxygen, we can't live on Earth. Human beings take in about 550 litres of pure oxygen per day. A person who is exercising uses a lot more oxygen than that.
"New Era Electric Hint Foundation" (NEEHF) believes that we have to play our role in producing oxygen for ourselves and future generations. Based on present studies and our ancient Ayurvedic system, NEEHF believes the plantation of holy basil (Tulasi) is the best option for producing more oxygen on Earth.
In general, it is estimated that a mature Tulsi plant can release around 11.8 pounds of oxygen per day. This is equivalent to around 5.5 kilograms of oxygen per day. Additionally, the Tulsi plant is known to release around 1.5 pounds (680 grams) of daily carbon dioxide.
Each person consumes oxygen, approximately 550 litres per day. So each person needs to plant 100 plants of basil.
NEEHF would like to run the "Basil Plantation Campaign". Please support a better country and world.

What We Do

Helpo Causes

Tulasi Plantation

Nature is the leading resource for living organisms. Our forests, rivers, oceans, and soils provide

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